How do I ask someone if they are OK?

When we notice that someone in our life is not doing so well, it can be difficult to speak to them about it. Here are some helpful resources to help you navigate a helpful and supportive conversation

Aspen Medical

Have a look at our very own publication titled Four Early Intervention Steps in Managing Mental Health. 

Click here 

Safer Together 

Safer Together’s Step Back 5X5: Take 5 for Mental Health tool is shown below. Click this link to download a copy.


R U OK? promotes 4 simple steps (below) to have a conversation that could change a life. Click here to download the full conversation guide.

Here is a video about asking R U OK? at work

Remember – You can do this!

Aspen Medical Internal Contacts 

For guidance and support, you can reach out to any of the following internally:

Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

Managers can reach out to Assure for support in managing team members’ mental health. Click here for details